Possible involvement of NAMPT in neuronal survival in cerebral ischemic injury under high-glucose conditions through the FoxO3a/LC3 pathway.
Iwatani Y, Hayashi H, Oba H, Oba M, Sawamura A, Moriyama Y, Takagi N*.
Biomed. Pharmacother. 176: 116778 (2024).
Prevention of amyloid β fibril deposition on the synaptic membrane in the precuneus by ganglioside nanocluster-targeting inhibitors.
Miyamoto E, Hayashi H, Murayama S, Yanagisawa K, Sato T*, Matsubara T*
RSC Chem. Biol. 5(5):459-466 (2024).
2024年度 日本生化学会関東支部例会 (20240615;東京)
第64回 生命科学夏の学校:生化学若い研究者の会 (20240830;長崎オンライン)
〇松村 清香、森山 慶之、落合 歩美、岩谷 結衣、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
第151回 日本薬理学会関東部会 (20241012;東京)
◯松村清香、森山慶之、落合歩美、岩谷結衣、林 秀樹、高木教夫
網膜色素変性症モデル RCS ラットにおけるシナプス関連分子に着目した病態解析
◯夏目崚雅、岩谷結衣、木下瑠夏、林 秀樹、森山慶之、高木教夫
マウス血管性認知症モデルを用いた血液脳関門を中心とした血管周囲環境の病態生理学的変化に及ぼすVEGFA-VEGFR2 シグナル経路の影響
◯宮台稔己、森山慶之、松村清香、遠藤 輝、岩谷結衣、林 秀樹、高木教夫
第97回 日本生化学会大会 (20241006;横浜)
◯林 秀樹、佐志 陽菜実、岩谷 結衣、森山 慶之、高木 教夫
マウス神経芽細胞腫由来Neuro2a 細胞の塩化コバルト誘導低酸素環境下におけるDlk1-Notchシグナルの病態生理学的役割
◯松村 清香、森山 慶之、長谷川 怜奈、遠藤 輝、金子 遼汰郎、岩谷 結衣、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
◯佐志 陽菜実、林 秀樹、菊地 美緒、雨宮 賢昇、岩谷 結衣、森山 慶之、高木 教夫
第47回 日本分子生物学会年会 (20241127;福岡)
ラット網膜色素変性モデルの網膜Syntaxin 1A 発現変化
◯佐志 陽菜実、林 秀樹、菊地 美緒、雨宮 賢昇、岩谷 結衣、森山 慶之、高木 教夫
◯林 秀樹、佐志 陽菜実、岩谷 結衣、森山 慶之、高木 教夫
2024年度The 6th World Forum on Integrated Medicine in Hematology and the 1st International Forum on Holistic Integrative Medicine in Leukemia(20240627;北京)
The molecular mechanisms of action underlying the antileukemia activities of the novel arsenical darinaparsin
◯袁 博, 菊地 秀与,高木 教夫,岡崎 真理
Pathogenic role of NAMPT in the perivascular regions after ischemic stroke in mice with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Iwatani Y, Hayashi H, Ichikawa M, Orikawa H, Masuda A, Tada N, Moriyama Y, Takagi N*.
Exp. Neurol. 371, 114584 (2024).
Rab11a Controls Cell Shape via C9orf72 Protein: Possible Relationships to Frontotemporal Dementia/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (FTDALS) Type 1.
Fukatsu S, Sashi H, Shirai R, Takagi N, Oizumi H, Yamamoto M, Ohbuchi K, Miyamoto Y, Yamauchi J*
Pathophysiology 31(1):100-116 (2024).
Role of senkyunolide I in the promotion of neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation via the Akt/β-catenin pathway.
Wang M, Hayashi H, Horinokita I, Asada M, Iwatani Y, Ren JG, Liu JX, Takagi N*.
Biomed. Pharmacother. 115683 (2023).
日本ゲノム編集学会 第8回大会 (20230606;東京)
〇櫻井 諒一,円子 大夢,橋本 七海,宇野 愛海,林 秀樹,香月 康弘,堀田 秋津,冨塚 一磨
2023年度 日本生化学会関東支部例会 (20230610;山梨)
VEGFA-VEGFR2 シグナル分子に着目したマウス血管性認知症モデルの病態生理学的解析
〇松村 清香, 遠藤 輝, 森山 慶之, 岩谷 結衣, 林 秀樹, 高木 教夫
Delta like 1 homolog-Notch1 シグナル分子に着目したマウス血管性認知症モデルの病態生理学的解析
〇金子 遼汰郎, 遠藤 輝, 松村 清香, 森山 慶之, 岩谷 結衣, 林 秀樹, 高木 教夫
第2回 日本抗体学会 (20231201;鹿児島)
染色体工学技術の抗体研究への応用(6)CDR-H3を標的としたゲノム編集誘導性分子多様化によるMammalian displayシステムの構築
〇櫻井 諒一,円子 大夢,橋本 七海,宇野 愛海,林 秀樹,香月 康弘,堀田 秋津,冨塚 一磨
日本薬学会年会 第144年会 (20240328;横浜)
糖尿病合併脳梗塞後の脳血管周囲における アディポサイトカインNAMPTの病態生理学的役割
〇岩谷 結衣、山本 春菜、木下 瑠夏、南澤 泉希、南川 隼、林 秀樹、森山 慶之、高木 教夫
Cytotoxic Effects of Darinaparsin, a Novel Organic Arsenical, against Human Leukemia Cells.
Yuan B, Kikuchi H, Li J, Kawabata A, Yao K, Takagi N, Okazaki M*
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 24(3):2282 (2023)
Possible involvement of DNA methylation and protective effect of zebularine on neuronal cell death after glutamate excitotoxity.
Asada M, Hayashi H, Takagi N*
Biol. Pharm. Bull. 45(6):770-779 (2022)
第1回 日本抗体学会 (20221126;鹿児島)
〇櫻井 諒一,円子 大夢,橋本 七海,宇野 愛海,林 秀樹,香月 康弘,堀田 秋津,冨塚 一磨
第96回 日本薬理学会年会 (20221130;横浜)
〇林 秀樹、森 みすず、南 厚徳、見世 加南子、高木 教夫
脳血管周囲における単量体 visfatin は糖尿病合併脳梗塞の病態進展に関与する
〇岩谷 結衣、山本 春菜、市川 美月、増田 紋、森山 慶之、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
第147回 日本薬理学会関東部会 (20230321;東京)
糖尿病合併脳梗塞後の脳血管周囲における NAMPT の変化と治療戦略
〇岩谷 結衣、山本 春菜、大場 はるの、大場 麻帆、澤村 杏、折川 隼人、多田 奈摘、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
糖代謝異常を伴う脳虚血障害時を模倣したNeuro2a 細胞のNAMPT分泌障害
〇南川 隼、岩谷 結衣、大場 麻帆、澤村 杏、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
〇長谷川 旬、岩谷 結衣、大場 はるの、林 秀樹、森山 慶之、高木 教夫
〇横山 夢乃、菊池 美緒、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
日本薬学会年会 第143年会 (20230325;札幌)
〇林 秀樹、森 みすず、見世 加南子、高木 教夫
Effect of progranulin on proliferation and differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells after oxygen/glucose deprivation.
Horinokita I, Hayashi H, Nagatomo T, Fushiki Y, Iwatani Y, Takagi N*
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 23 (4):1949 (2022)
Apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins and LRP1 protect from NMDA-induced excitotoxicity associated with reducing α2-macroglobulin in Müller glia.
Hayashi H*, Mori M, Harashima M, Hashizume T, Furiya M, Mukaigaito C, Takemura E, Yamada M, Mise K, Yuan B, and Takagi N
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci., 62 (13): 23 (2021)
Ternary Complexes of pDNA, Neuron-Binding Peptide, and PEGylated Polyethyleneimine for Brain Delivery with Nano-Bubbles and Ultrasound.
Takahashi-E Y, Kurokawa R, Sato K, Takizawa N, Katagiri F, Hamano N, Suzuki R, Maruyama K, Nomizu M, Takagi N, Negishi Y*
Pharmaceutics, 13 (7): 1003 (2021)
Cytotoxic effects of hellebrigenin and arenobufagin against human breast cancer cells
Zhang Y, Yuan B*, Bian B, Zhao H, Kiyomi A, Hayashi H, Iwatani Y, Sugiura M, Takagi N
Front. Oncol. 11: 11220 (2021)
Neuroprotective effects of Senkyunolide I against glutamate-induced cells death by attenuating JNK/caspase-3 activation and apoptosis.
Wang M, Hayashi H, Horinokita I, Asada M, Iwatani Y, Liub J-X, Takagi N*
Biomed. Pharmacother. 140: 111696 (2021)
Possible involvement of progranulin in the protective effect of elastase inhibitor on cerebral ischemic injuries of neuronal and glial cells.
Horinokita I, Hayashi H, Yoshizawa R, Ichiyanagi M, Imamura Y, Iwatani Y, Takagi N*
Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 113: 103625 (2021)
第32回 日本微量元素学会学術集会 (20211015)
Clinical application of arsenic compounds and the mechanisms underlying their anti-tumor activity
◯袁 博、菊池秀与、高木教夫、岡崎真理
第44回 日本分子生物学会年会 (20211201;横浜)
◯林 秀樹、森 みすず、見世 加南子、袁 博、高木 教夫
Cytotoxic effects of arsenite in combination with gamabufotalin against human glioblastoma cell lines.
Yuan B, Xu K, Shimada R, Li J, Hayashi H, Okazaki M, Takagi N
Front. Oncol. 11, 628914 (2021)
Effects of laminin-111 peptide coatings on rat neural stem/progenitor cell culture.
Hayashi H*, Horinokita I, Yamada Y, Hamada K, Takagi N, Nomizu M.
Exp Cell Res. 400, 112440 (2021)
Investigating the relationship between neuronal cell death and early DNA methylation after ischemic injury.
Asada M, Hayashi H, Murakami K, Kikuiri K, Kaneko R, Yuan B, Takagi N*
Front. Neurosci. 14, 581915 (2020)
JNK and autophagy independently contributed to cytotoxicity of arsenite combined with tetrandrine via modulating cell cycle progression in human breast cancer cells.
Yu B, Yuan B*, Li J, Kiyomi A, Kikuchi H, Hayashi H, Hu X, Okazaki M, Sugiura M, Hirano T, Fan Y, Pei X*, Takagi N
Front. Pharmacol. 11, 1087 (2020)
Ligusticum chuanxiong exerts neuroprotection by promoting adult neurogenesis and inhibiting inflammation in the hippocampus of ME cerebral ischemia rats.
Wang M, Yao M, Liu J*, Takagi N, Yang B, Zhang M, Xu L, Junguo R, Fan X, Tian F*
J. Ethnopharmacol. 249, 112385 (2020)
Antineuropathic pain actions of Wu-tou decoction resulted from the increase of neurotrophic factor and decrease of CCR5 expression in primary rat glial cells.
Guo Q, Mizuno K, Okuyama K, Lin N, Zhang Y, Hayashi H, Takagi N, Sato T*
Biomed. Pharmacother. 123, 109812 (2020)
第63回 日本神経化学会大会 (20200910;Web開催)
◯林 秀樹、高木教夫
第93回 日本生化学会大会 (20200914;Web開催)
◯林 秀樹、高木教夫
Differentiation induction of human breast cancer cells by arsenite in combination with tetrandrine.
Yu B, Yuan B, Kiyomi A, Kikuchi H, Hayashi H, Hu X, Okazaki M, Sugiura M, Hirano T, Pei X, and Takagi N
Am. J. Transl. Res. 11, 7310-7323 (2019)
Involvement of Progranulin and Granulin Expression in Inflammatory Responses after Cerebral Ischemia.
Horinokita I, Hayashi H, Oteki R, Mizumura R, Yamaguchi T, Usui A, Yuan B and Takagi N*
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20(20), 5210 (2019)
Furin-mediated cleavage of LRP1 and increase in ICD of LRP1 after cerebral ischemia and after exposure of cultured neurons to NMDA.
Yamada M, Hayashi H, Suzuki K, Sato S, Inoue D, Iwatani Y, Ohata M, Yuan B, Takagi N*.
Sci Rep. 9(1), 11782 (2019). doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48279-x.
Possible involvement of PI3-K/Akt-dependent GSK-3β signaling in proliferation of neural progenitor cells after hypoxic exposure.
Kisoh K, Hayashi H, Arai M, Orita M, Yuan B, Takagi N*
Mol. Neurobiol., 56,1946-1956 (2019)
Berberine inhibits NLRP3 Inflammasome pathway in human triple-negative breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cell.
Yao M, Fan X, Yuan B, Takagi N, Liu S, Han X, Ren J, Liu J.
BMC Complement Altern Med. 19(1):216 (2019)
Arsenic Disulfide Combined with L-Buthionine-(S, R)-Sulfoximine Induces Synergistic Antitumor Effects in Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Models of MCF-7 Breast Carcinoma Cells.
Zhao Y, Tanaka S, Yuan B, Sugiyama K, Onda K, Kiyomi A, Takagi N, Sugiura M, Hirano T*
Am J Chin Med. 47(5):1149-1170 (2019).
The protection of indolealkylamines from LPS-induced inflammation in zebrafish.
Zhang Y, Takagi N, Yuan B, Zhou Y, Si N, Wang H, Yang J, Wei X, Zhao H, Bian B*
J Ethnopharmacol. 243:112122. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2019.112122 (2019).
Comparative analysis of hydrophilic ingredients in toad skin and toad venom using the UHPLC-HR-MS/MS and UPLC-QqQ-MS/MS methods together with the anti-inflammatory evaluation of indolealkylamines.
Zhang Y, Yuan B, Takagi N, Wang H, Zhou Y, Si N, Yang J, Wei X, Zhao H,and Bian B*
Molecules, 24, 86 (2019)
Antitumor effects of arsenic disulfide on the viability, migratory ability, apoptosis and autophagy of breast cancer cells.
Zhao Y, Onda K, Sugiyama K, Yuan B, Tanaka S, Takagi N, Hirano T
Oncol Rep. 41, 27-42 (2019)
Multiple cytotoxic effects of gamabufotalin against human glioblastoma cell line U-87.
Yuan B, Shimada R, Xu K, Han L, Si N, Zhao H, Bian B, Hayashi H, Okazaki M, Takagi N.
Chem. Biol. Interact. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2019.108849. (2019)
医学のあゆみ 269, 915-919 (2019)
Neuroscience 2019, Society for Neuroscience(20191019;Chicago, USA)
Transient cerebral ischemia induces NADPH oxidase-mediated oxidative damage to proteins in the postsynaptic density
Neuroprotective roles of apolipoprotein e containing lipoproteins in neurons and glia of retina
DNA methylation in neuronal cell death at the early stage of ischemic status
第140回 日本薬理学会関東部会(20190706;東京)
◯長友崇将、堀之北一朗、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
◯樗木りか、堀之北一朗、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
◯菊入健斗、村上健二郎、岩﨑良、浅田眞由美、林 秀樹、袁 博、高木 教夫
◯今村唯、堀之北一朗、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
◯浅田眞由美、林 秀樹、菊入健斗、村上健二郎、袁 博、高木 教夫
◯竹村映美、林 秀樹、向垣内千早、袁 博、高木 教夫
第62回 日本神経化学会大会(20190725;新潟)
脳梗塞後のミクログリアにおける progranulin の病態への関与
◯堀之北一朗、林 秀樹、水村里沙、山口龍晃、樗木りか、長友崇将、袁 博、高木 教夫
◯浅田眞由美、林 秀樹、菊入健斗、村上健二郎、岩﨑 良、高木 教夫
脳梗塞後のProgranulin の病態への関与
◯堀之北一朗、林 秀樹、樗木りか、水村里沙、長友崇将、山口龍晃、高木 教夫
第63回 日本薬学会 関東支部大会(20190914;東京)
◯浅田眞由美、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
第141回 日本薬理学会 関東部会(20191012;東京)
脳梗塞後神経細胞で惹起される DNA メチル化と細胞死についての検討
◯浅田眞由美、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
第42回 日本分子生物学会年会 (20191203;福岡)
◯林 秀樹、森 みすず、原嶋美奈、橋爪達哉、向垣内千早、山田まりこ、袁 博、高木教夫
脳梗塞病態時に大脳皮質神経細胞で惹起される DNA メチル化と神経細胞死
◯浅田眞由美、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
第93回 日本薬理学会年会 (20200316;横浜)
脳梗塞後の活性化ミクログリアにおけるProgranulin の病態生理学的変化
神経幹細胞における Progranulin の発現とその役割
◯袁 博,韓 玲玉,林 秀樹,辺 宝林,高木 教夫,岡崎 真里
日本薬学会 第140年会 (20200325;京都)
◯袁 博、清海 杏奈、菊地 秀与、林 秀樹、杉浦 宗敏、平野 俊彦、高木 教夫、岡﨑 真理
Enhanced cytotoxic effects of arsenite in combination with anthocyanidin compound, delphinidin, against a human leukemia cell line, HL-60.
Yoshino Y, Yuan B*, Okusumi S, Aoyama R, Murota R, Kikuchi H, Takagi N, Toyoda H.
Chem. Biol. Interact., 294, 9-17 (2018)
Furin inhibitor protects against neuronal cell death induced by activated NMDA receptors.
Yamada M, Hayashi H, Yuuki M, Matsushima N, Yuan B, Takagi N*.
Sci. Rep., 8, 5212. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23567-0 (2018)
The neuroprotective effect of thalidomide against ischemia through the cereblon-mediated repression of AMPK activity.
Sawamura N*, Yamada M, Fujiwara M, Yamada H, Hayashi H, Takagi N, Asahi T.
Sci Rep, 8, 2459. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-20911-2 (2018)
Biological activities of laminin-111-derived peptide-chitosan matrices in a primary culture of rat cortical neurons.
Hayashi H*, Yamada M, Kumai J, Takagi N, Nomizu M.
Arch Biochem Biophys, 648, 53-59 (2018) *These authors are equally contributed to this study.
Antitumor activity of arsenite in combination with tetrandrine against human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 in vitro and in vivo.
Yuan B*, Yao M, Wang X, Sato A, Okazaki A, Komuro H, Hayashi H, Toyoda H, Pei X, Hu X, Hirano T, Takagi N
Cancer Cell Int., 18, 113 (2018)
Optimized application of the secreted Nano- luciferase reporter system using an affinity purification strategy
Li J, Guo Z, Sato T, Yuan B, Ma Y, Qian D, Zhong J, Jin M, Huang P, Che L, Wang Y, Lei Y, Liu C.
PLoS One, 13, e0196617 (2018)
Cytocidal effects of arenobufagin and hellebrigenin, two active bufadienolide compounds, against human glioblastoma cell line U-87.
Han L, Yuan B*, Shimada R, Hayashi H, Si N, Zhao HY, Bian B, Takagi N.
Int J Oncol, 53, 2488-2502 (2018)
Arsenic disulfide-induced apoptosis and its potential mechanisms in two- and three-dimensionally cultured human breast cancer MCF-7 cells.
Zhao Y, Onda K, Yuan B, Tanaka S, Kiyomi A, Sugiyama K, Sugiura M, Takagi N, Hirano T*.
Int J Oncol, 52, 1959-1971 (2018)
Anticancer efficacies of arsenic disulfide through apoptosis induction, cell cycle arrest, and pro-survival signal inhibition in human breast cancer cells.
Zhao Y, Yuan B, Onda K, Sugiyama K, Tanaka S, Takagi N, Hirano T.
Am J Cancer Res, 8 (3), 366-386 (2018)
Chemo-sensitivity of two-dimensional monolayer and three-dimensional spheroid of breast cancer MCF-7 cells to daunorubicin, docetaxel, and arsenic disulfide.
Uematsu N, Zhao Y, Kiyomi A, Yuan B, Onda K , Tanaka A, Sugiyama K, Sugiura M, Takagi N, Hayakawa A, Hirano T.
Anticancer Res, 38, 2102-2108 (2018)
WCP 2018, 18th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (20180703 ; Kyoto, Japan)
Furin inhibitors protect central nervous system neurons from ischemic damage
◯Mariko Yamada, Hideki Hayashi, Yui Iwatani, Kaori Suzuki, Bo Yuan, Norio Takagi
Protective effects of apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins against glaucomatous optic neuropathy
◯Hideki Hayashi, Mariko Yamada, Misuzu Mori, Mio Kobayashi, Hikaru Koide, Takuya Kojima, Chihaya Mukaigaito, Bo Yuan, Norio Takagi
The Third Academic Annual Conference of Hematology Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (20180831 ; Tianjin, China)
Metabolic analysis of arsenic compounds in clinical samples and its antitumor activity in combination with tetrandrine against human cancer cells in vitro and in vivo
◯Bo Yuan, Xiaomei Hu, Kentaro Sugiyama, Toshihiko Hirano, Norio Takagi
59th International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (20180904 ; Helsinki, Finland)
A possible neuroprotective mechanism of preventing LRP1 cleavage after ischemic brain damage
◯Mariko Yamada, Hideki Hayashi, Yui Iwatani, Kaori Suzuki, Bo Yuan, Norio Takagi
Apo E-containing lipoproteins protect retinal ganglion cells from glaucomatous optic neuropathy via an LRP1-mediated pathway
◯Hideki Hayashi, Misuzu Mori, Mariko Yamada, Bo Yuan, Norio Takagi
4th Asian International Symposium of Traditional Medicines (20181103 ; Tokyo, Japan)
Cytocidaleffects of arenobufaginand hellebrigenin, two active bufadienolidecompounds, against human glioblastoma cell line U-87
◯Bo Yuan
第60回 日本脂質生化学会(20180531;東京)
虚血性脳神経障害時の LRP1 プロセシングと神経生存
◯山田 まりこ、林 秀樹、井上 大輔、大畑 芽衣子、松嶋 菜穂子、袁 博、高木 教夫
◯林 秀樹、森 みすず、山田 まりこ、袁 博、高木 教夫
第61回 日本神経化学会大会・第40回日本生物学的精神医学会(20180906;神戸)
Pathophysiological changes of progranulin in activated microglia after cerebral ischemia
◯Ichiro Horinokita, Hideki Hayashi, Risa Mizumura, Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Bo Yuan, Norio Takagi
第91回 日本生化学会大会(20180924;京都)
○袁 博、嶋田 亮太、徐 康、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
○于 博文、袁 博、清海 杏奈、田中 祥子、林 秀樹、杉浦 宗敏、平野 俊彦、裴 暁華、高木 教夫
第7回 医薬工3大学 包括連携推進シンポジウム(20181006;東京)
脳梗塞後の progranulin の病態生理学的変化
○堀之北一朗、林 秀樹、水村里沙、山口龍晃、袁 博、高木 教夫
第139回 日本薬理学会関東部会(20181020;東京)
ラット中大脳動脈閉塞再灌流後の DNMT3a タンパク質発現量の変化
○浅田眞由美、林 秀樹、菊入健斗、村上健二郎、袁 博、高木 教夫
脳梗塞後のミクログリアにおける progranulin の病態生理学的変化
○堀之北一朗、林 秀樹、水村里沙、山口龍晃、袁 博、高木 教夫
第41回 日本分子生物学会(20181128;横浜)
虚血性神経障害後の DNMTの病態生理学的変化
○浅田眞由美、林 秀樹、菊入健斗、袁 博、高木 教夫
第92回 日本薬理学会年会(20190314;大阪)
Possible involvement of DNA methylation by DNMT3a in ischemia-induced neuronal injury
○M. Asada, H. Hayashi, K. Kikuiri, K. Murakami, B. Yuan, N. Takagi
Changes of progranulin in activated microglia after cerebral ischemia
○I. Horinokita, H. Hayashi, R. Mizumura, T. Yamaguchi, B. Yuan, N. Takagi
Effects of furin inhibitors on excitotoxic neuronal damage
○M. Yamada, H. Hayashi, M. Ichiyanagi, Y. Imamura, B. Yuan, N. Takagi
Roles of low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 ligands in glaucomatous optic neuropathy
○H. Hayashi, M. Mori, M. Yamada, B. Yuan, N. Takagi
日本薬学会 第139年会(20190320;千葉)
Gamabufotalin induces cytotoxicity and potentiates cytocidal effect in combination with arsenite or temozolomide in human glioblastoma cells
○K. Xu, B. Yuan, R. Shimada, B.L. Bian, H. Hayashi, N. Takagi
Synergistic cytotoxic effects of arsenite and tetrandrine in human breast cancer cell line MCF-7.
Yao M, Yuan B, Wang X, Sato A, Sakuma K, Kaneko K, Komuro H, Okazaki A, Hayashi H, Toyoda H, Pei X, Hu X, Hirano T, Takagi N.
Int J Oncol, 51(2), 587-598 (2017)
Involvement of GSK-3β Phosphorylation Through PI3-K/Akt in Cerebral Ischemia-Induced Neurogenesis in Rats.
Kisoh K, Hayashi H, Itoh T, Asada M, Arai M, Yuan B, Tanonaka K, Takagi N.
Mol Neurobiol, 54(10), 7917-7927 (2017)
Bridging Discovery Research with Therapies (20170827 ; Banff, Canada)
Neuroprotective roles of apo E-containing lipoproteins against optic nerve degeneration
◯H. Hayashi
The Second Academic Annual Conference of Specialty Committee of Hematology of World Federation of Chinese Medicine (20171013 ; Ningbo, China)
Cellular pharmacodynamics of immunosuppressive drugs and vitamin K derivatives in renal transplant recipients and patients with immune diseases
◯K. Sugiyama, K.H. Meng, W.H. Xu, B. Yuan, T. Hirano
Neuroscience 2017, Society for Neuroscience(20171111;Washington D.C., USA)
Apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins prevent optic nerve degeneration with a reduction of α2 macro globulin secretion from retinal glia
◯Hideki Hayashi, Misuzu Mori, Mina Harashima, Tatsuya Hashizume, Miho Furiya, Hiroko Mori, Bo Yuan, Norio Takagi
Pathologic roles of proteolytic enzymes associated with receptor processing
◯Mariko Yamada, Hideki Hayashi, Nahoko Matsushima, Meiko Ohata, Bo Yuan, Norio Takagi
14th Asia Pacific Oncologists Annual Meeting (20171120 ; Melbourne, Australia)
Enhanced cytotoxic effects of the combination of arsenite with tetrandrine against breast cancer cell line MCF-7
◯Bo Yuan, Mingjiang Yao, Hideki Hayashi, Toshihiko Hirano, Norio Takagi
第59回 日本脂質生化学会(20170615;京都)
◯林 秀樹、森 みすず、橋爪 達哉、原嶋 美奈、降矢 実穂、森 寛子、袁 博、高木 教夫
初代培養大脳皮質神経細胞障害時の LRP1 の変化とリポプロテイン による神経保護への可能性
◯山田 まりこ、佐藤 祥子、結城 もえ、袁 博、林 秀樹、高木 教夫
第136回 日本薬理学会関東部会(20170712;東京)
◯折田 真以子、喜早 慧士、新井 美穂、伊藤 剛志、林 秀樹、袁 博、田野中 浩一、高木 教夫
第19回 応用薬理シンポジウム(20170915;東京)
◯喜早 慧士、林 秀樹、袁 博、田野中 浩一、高木 教夫
◯浅田 眞由美、喜早 慧士、林 秀樹、袁 博、高木 教夫
◯林 秀樹、森 みすず、橋爪 達哉、原嶋 美奈、降矢 実穂、森 寛子、袁 博、高木 教夫
第90回 日本生化学会大会(20171206;神戸)
中枢神経細胞障害時の LRP1 プロセッシングに関わるタンパク質分解酵素と神経生存
◯山田 まりこ、林 秀樹、井上大輔、岩谷結衣、鈴木かおり、袁 博、高木 教夫
◯林 秀樹、森みすず、原嶋美奈、橋爪達哉、降矢実穂、森 寛子、袁 博、高木教夫
第138回 日本薬理学会関東部会(20180310;東京)
◯向垣内 千早、小島拓也、林 秀樹、小林美緒、小出 暉、袁 博、高木 教夫
初代培養大脳皮質神経細胞障害時のproprotein convertasesの役割に関する研究
◯岩谷結衣、鈴木かおり、山田まりこ、林 秀樹、袁 博、高木教夫
◯堀之北一朗、林 秀樹、水村里沙、山口龍晃、袁 博、高木教夫
日本薬学会 第138年会(20180326;金沢)
◯袁博、王 瀟 、姚 明江、林 秀樹、平野 俊彦、高木 教夫
◯林 秀樹、森 みすず、袁 博、高木 教夫
◯山田まりこ、林 秀樹、岩谷結衣、鈴木かおり、袁 博、高木 教夫
◯堀之北一朗、林 秀樹、水村 里沙、山口 龍晃、袁 博、高木 教夫
◯浅田眞由美、喜早慧士、林 秀樹、袁 博、高木 教夫
Effects of active bufadienolide compounds on human cancer cells and CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in mitogen-activated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Yuan B, He J, Kisoh K, Hayashi H, Tanaka S, Si N, Zhao HY, Hirano T, Bian B, Takagi N.
Oncol Rep, 36(3):1377-1384 (2016)
Potential Neuroprotective Effects of an LSD1 Inhibitor in Retinal Ganglion Cells via p38 MAPK Activity.
Tsutsumi T, Iwao K, Hayashi H, Kirihara T, Kawaji T, Inoue T, Hino S, Nakao M, and Tanihara H.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 57, 6461-6473 (2016)
Nrf2 activation ameliorates cytotoxic effects of arsenic trioxide in acute promyelocytic leukemia cells through increased glutathione levels and arsenic efflux from cells.
Nishimoto S, Suzuki T, Koike S, Yuan B, Takagi N, Ogasawara Y.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 305, 161-168 (2016)
Lyn, a tyrosine kinase closely linked to the differentiation status of primary acute myeloid leukemia blasts, associates with negative regulation of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and dihydroxyvitamin D3 (VD3)-induced HL-60 cells differentiation.
Iriyama N, Yuan B, Hatta Y, Takagi N, Takei M.
Cancer Cell Int, 16, 37 (2016)
15th Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM) Meeting(20160822;Taipei, Taiwan)
Effects of active bufadienolides on cancer cells and CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in mitogen-activated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
◯B. Yuan, J. He, H. Hayashi, S. Tanaka, N. Si, H.Y. Zhao, T. Hirano, B.L. Bian, N. Takagi
12th World Cancer Conference(20160926:London, UK)
Cytocidal effects of active bufadienolides on human cancer cells and its possibility of enhancing host immunity as an adjuvant therapeutic reagent
◯B. Yuan, J. He, K. Kisoh, H. Hayashi, S. Tanaka, N. Si, H.Y. Zhao, T. Hirano, B.L. Bian, N. Takagi
Inaugural Meeting and the First Academic Annual Conference of Specialty Committee of Hematology of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies(20161014;Beijing, China)
Action mechanisms of arsenic compounds on human leukemia cells
◯T. Hirano, B. Yuan, X.M. Hu
Neuroscience 2016, Society for Neuroscience(20161112;San Diego, USA)
Neuroprotective functions of apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins in neurons and glia of retina
◯H. Hayashi, M. Mori, Y. Ban, B.Yuan, N. Takagi
Cerebral ischemia-mediated phosphorylation of GSK-3β induced neurogenesis in rats
◯K. Kisoh, H. Hayashi, M. Asada, T. Ito, M. Arai, B. Yuan, N. Takagi
3rd Asian International Symposium of Traditional Medicines(20161118)
Arsenic compounds as anti-leukemia
◯T. Hirano, B. Yuan, X.M. Hu
◯西本 翔一,小池 伸,鈴木 俊宏,袁 博,高木 教夫,小笠原 裕樹
In vitroおよびin vivoで乳がん細胞 MDA-MB-231に対するAsIIIとテトランドリンの 単独・併用による抗腫瘍活性
◯王 瀟,姚 明江,袁 博,林 秀樹,高木 教夫
◯林 秀樹、森 みすず、橋爪 達哉、原嶋 美奈、降矢 実穂、森 寛子、袁 博、高木 教夫
Active bufadienolide compounds induce G2/M phase arrest in human glioblastoma cell line U-87
◯L.Y. Han, B. Yuan, H. Hayashi, B.L. Bian, N. Takagi
Multidrug resistance-associated protein 4 is a determinant of arsenite resistance.
Yuan B, Yoshino, Fukushima H, Markova S, Takagi N, Toyoda H, Kroetz L.D.
Oncol Rep. 35, 147-154 (2016)
Enhancement of Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability and Delivery of Antisense Oligonucleotides or Plasmid DNA to the Brain by the Combination of Bubble Liposomes and High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound.
Negishi Y, Yamane M, Kurihara N, Takahashi Y.E, Sashida S, Takagi N, Suzuki R, Maruyama K.
Pharmaceutics, 7, 344–362 (2015)
Effects of arsenic disulfide on proliferation, cytokine production, and frequencies of CD4+, CD8+, and regulatory T cells in mitogen-activated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Song M.M, Fang S, Tanaka S, Sugiyama K, Kiyomi A, Kato R, Onda K, Yuan B, Takagi N, Hu X.M, Hirano T.
Int Immunopharmacol.29, 832–838 (2015).
Delphinidin induces cytotoxicity and potentiates cytocidal effect in combination with arsenite in an acute promyelocytic leukemia NB4 cell line.
Yuan B, Okusumi S, Yoshino Y, Moriyama C, Tanaka S, Hirano T, Takagi N, Toyoda H.
Oncol. Rep. 34, 431-438 (2015)
Hayashi H, Takagi N;
Endogenous Neuroprotective Molecules and Their Mechanisms in the Central Nervous System.
Biol Pharm Bull, 38, 1104-1108 (2015)
Yuan B, Iriyama N, Hu X.M, Hirano T, Toyoda H, Takagi N; Perspective on Therapeutic Strategies of Leukemia Treatment — Focus on Arsenic Compounds.
Ed. by Margarita Guenova and Gueorgui Balatzenko. Leukemias – Updates and New Insights.InTech, Rijeka, Croatia. 2015, pp. 191-218.
20th World Congress on Advances in Oncology & 18th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine(20151008;Athens, Greec)
Delphinidin induces cytotoxicity and potentiates cytocidal effect in combination with arsenite in an acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line, NB4
◯B. Yuan, S. Okusumi, Y. Yoshino, S. Tanaka, T. Hirano, H. Toyoda, H. Hayashi, N. Takagi
14th Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM) Meeting(20150817;London Ontario, Canada)
Mechanisms of delphinidin-mediated cytotoxicity and its enhancement of the cytocidal effect of arsenite in an acute promyelocytic leukemia NB4 cell line
◯B. Yuan, S. Okusumi, Y. Yoshino, S. Tanaka, T. Hirano, H. Toyoda, H. Hayashi, N. Takagi
遺伝子・デリバリー研究会 第15回シンポジウム(20150501;京都市)
◯根岸洋一、栗原奈保、髙橋葉子、鈴木 亮、丸山一雄、高木教夫、新槇幸彦
日本薬剤学会 第30年会(20150521;長崎県)
◯栗原奈保、根岸洋一、山根正也、山垣内貴文、髙橋葉子、高木教夫、鈴木 亮、丸山一雄、新槇幸彦
◯根岸洋一、髙橋葉子、栗原 奈保、鈴木 亮、丸山 一雄、高木教夫、新槇 幸彦
日本核酸医薬学会 第1回年会(20151130;京都市)
◯根岸洋一、栗原奈保、髙橋葉子、指田紗菜恵、高木教夫、鈴木 亮、丸山一雄、新槇幸彦
BMB2015(第38回日本分子生物学会・第88回日本生化学会 合同大会)(20151201:神戸市)
Enhanced Antitumor Effect of the Combination of Arsenite with Tetrandrine in Breast Cancer
◯M.J. Yao, X. Wang, B. Yuan, A. Sato, K. Sakuma, K. Kaneko, H. Hayashi, H. Toyoda and N. Takagi
Antitumor activity of arsenite and tetrandrine, each alone and in combination, against breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 in vitro and in vivo
◯X. Wang, MJ. Yao, B. Yuan, H. Hayashi, and N. Takagi
いなぎ IC カレッジ プロフェッサー講座(東京)
「脳こうそく」を科学するーいざというときのためにー 第1回(2015-04)
「脳こうそく」を科学するーいざというときのためにー 第2回(2015-05)
「脳こうそく」を科学するーいざというときのためにー 第3回(2015-06)
Involvement of histone H3 phosphorylation via the activation of p38 MAPK pathway and intracellular redox status in cytotoxicity of HL-60 cells induced by Vitex agnus-castus fruit extract.
Kikuchi H, Yuan B, Yuhara E, Imai M, Furutani R, Fukushima S, Hazama S, Hirobe C, Ohyama K, Takagi N, Toyoda H.
Int. J. Oncol., 45(2):843-852 (2014)
Increasing cellular level of phosphatidic acid enhances FGF-1 production in long term-cultured rat astrocytes.
Nagayasu Y, Morita SY, Hayashi H, Miura Y, Yokoyama K, Michikawa M, Ito J.
Brain Res., 1563:31-40 (2014)
Protective effect of geranylgeranylacetone via enhanced induction of HSPB1 and HSPB8 in mitochondria of the failing heart following myocardial infarction in rats.
Marunouchi T, Inomata S, Sanbe A, Takagi N, Tanonaka K.
Eur. J. Pharmacol., ;730C:140-147 (2014)
Enhancement of differentiation induction and upregulation of CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins and PU.1 in NB4 cells treated with combination of ATRA and valproic acid.
Iriyama N, Yuan B, Yoshino Y, Hatta Y, Horikoshi A, Aizawa S, Takei M, Takeuchi J, Takagi N, Toyoda H.
Int. J. Oncol., 44(3):865-738 (2014)
Systemic delivery of miR-126 by miRNA-loaded Bubble liposomes for the treatment of hindlimb ischemia.
Endo-Takahashi Y, Negishi Y, Nakamura A, Ukai S, Ooaku K, Oda Y, Sugimoto K, Moriyasu F, Takagi N, Suzuki R, Maruyama K, Aramaki Y.
Sci. Rep., 4:3883 (2014)
Arsenic Disulfide Induced Apoptosis and Concurrently Promoted Erythroid Differentiation in Cytokine-dependent MDS-progressed Leukemia Cell Line F-36p with Complex Karyotype Including Monosomy 7.
Hu XM, Tanaka S, Onda K, Yuan B, Toyoda H, Ma R, Liu F, Hirano T.
Chin. J Integr. Med., 20, 387-393 (2014)
Involvement of Oxidative Stress Associated with Glutathione Depletion and p38 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Activation in Arsenic Disulfide-induced Differentiation in HL-60 Cells.
Hu XM, Yuan B, Tanaka S, Zhou Q, Onda K, Toyoda H, Hirano T.
Leuk. Lymphoma, 55, 392-404 (2014)
Arsenic Disulfide-triggered Apoptosis and Erythroid Differentiation in Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Lines.
Hu XM, Yuan B, Tanaka S, Song MM, Onda K, Tohyama K, Zhou AX, Toyoda H, Hirano T.
Hematology, 19, 352-360 (2014)
Cytotoxic Effects of Pyrrolidine Dithiocarbamate in Small-cell Lung Cancer Cells, Alone and in Combination with Cisplatin.
Tahata S, Yuan B, Kikuchi H, Takagi N, Hirano T, Toyoda H.
Int. J. Oncol., 45, 1749-1759 (2014)
Dose-dependent Biphasic Effects of Arsenic Disulfide on Differentiation and Apoptosis of HL-60 Cells.
Hu XM, Yuan XM, Song MM, Onda K, Tanaka S, Toyoda H, Zhou AX, Sugiyama K, Hirano T.
Curr. Top. Pharmacol., 17, 13-25 (2013)
Hayashi H; Classical Signaling Pathways:
Neuroprotection and Neurodegeneration for Retinal Diseases. pp. 25-41. Springer. (2014)
Takagi N; Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the ischemic brain.
J. Pharmacol. Sci., (2014).
13th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine (CGCM)(20140827;Beijing, China)
Mechanisms of casticin-induced cytocidal effects against the human promyelocytic cell line HL-60
◯B. Yuan, H. Kikuchi, E. Yuhara, H. Hayashi, N. Takagi, and H. Toyoda
2nd Asian International Symposium of Traditional Medicines(20140510;Tokyo)
Protective effects of high-density lipoproteins against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity in retinal ganglion cells
◯H. Hayashi,and N. Takagi
第36回 日本生物学的精神医学会 第57回 日本神経化学会大会 合同年会(20140929;奈良)
◯林 秀樹,袁 博,高木 教夫
第87回 日本生化学会大会(20141015;京都)
◯林 秀樹,袁 博,高木 教夫
◯B. Yuan, A. Sato, K. Sakuma, K. Kaneko, H. Hayashi, H. Toyoda, and N. Takagi
第58回 日本薬学会関東支部大会(20141004;神奈川)
Cytocidal effects of bufadienolides against human glioblastoma and pancreatic cancer cell lines
◯J. He, B. Yuan, H. Hayashi, B. Bian, and N. Takagi
◯喜早 慧士,丸ノ内 徹郎,林 秀樹,袁 博,田野中 浩一,高木 教夫
第88回 日本薬理学会年会(20150318;名古屋市)
◯林 秀樹,小沢 由,袁 博,高木 教夫
◯喜早 慧士,林 秀樹,袁 博,田野中 浩一,高木 教夫
日本薬学会 第135年会(20150325;神戸市)
◯林 秀樹,伊藤 玲奈,上野 栞,袁 博,高木 教夫
Involvement of histone H3 phosphorylation through p38 MAPK pathway activation in casticin-induced cytocidal effects against the human promyelocytic cell line HL-60
◯B. Yuan, H. Kikuchi, H. Hayashi, H. Toyoda and N. Takagi
Contribution of Akt/MAPK signaling pathways and inhibition of metalloproteinase-2 and 9 expression to gamabufotalin-induced cytotoxicity in human glioblastoma cell line U-87
◯J. He, B. Yuan, H. Hayashi, B. Bian, and N. Takagi
◯西本 翔一,小池 伸,鈴木 俊宏,袁 博,高木 教夫,小笠原 裕樹
Intravenous injection of neural progenitor cells facilitates angiogenesis after cerebral ischemia.
Moriyama Y, Takagi N, Hashimura K, Itokawa C, Tanonaka K.
Brain and Behavior, 3(2):43-53 (2013)
pDNA-loaded Bubble liposomes as potential ultrasound imaging and gene delivery agents.
Endo-Takahashi Y, Negishi Y, Nakamura A, Suzuki D, Ukai S, Sugimoto K, Moriyasu F, Takagi N, Suzuki R, Maruyama K, Aramaki Y.
Biomaterials., 34(11):2807-2813 (2013)
Injection of neural progenitor cells attenuates decrease in level of connexin43 in brain capillaries after cerebral ischemia.
Moriyama Y, Takagi N, Itokawa C, Tanonaka K.
Neurosci. Lett., 543:152-156 (2013)
Contribution of membrane progesterone receptor α the induction of progesterone-mediated apoptosis associated with mitochondrial membrane disruption and caspase cascade activation in Jurkat cell lines.
Kon A, Yuan B, Hanazawa T, Kikuchi H, Sato M, Furutani R, Takagi N, Toyoda H.
Oncol. Rep., 30:1965-1970 (2013)
Cytotoxicity of Vitex agnus-castus fruit extract and its major component, casticin, correlates with differentiation status in leukemia cell lines.
Kikuchi H, Yuan B, Nishimura Y, Imai M, Furutani R, Kamoi S, Seno M, Fukushima S, Hazama S, Hirobe C, Ohyama K, Hu XM, Takagi N, Hirano T, Toyoda H.
Int. J. Oncol., 43:1976-1984 (2013)
Involvement of histone H3 phosphorylation through p38 MAPK pathway activation in casticin-induced cytocidal effects against the human promyelocytic cell line HL-60.
Kikuchi H, Yuan B, Yuhara E, Takagi N, Toyoda H.
Int. J. Oncol., 43:2046-2056 (2013)
Aquaporin 9, a promising predictor for the cytocidal effects of arsenic trioxide in acute promyelocytic leukemia cell lines and primary blasts.
Iriyama N, Yuan B, Yoshino Y, Hatta Y, Horikoshi A, Aizawa S, Takeuchi J, Toyoda H.
Oncol. Rep., 29(6):2362-8 (2013)
Changes in Small Heat Shock Proteins HSPB1, HSPB5 and HSPB8 in Mitochondria of the Failing Heart Following Myocardial Infarction in Rats.
Marunouchi T, Abe Y, Murata M, Inomata S, Sanbe A, Takagi N, Tanonaka K.
Biol. Pharm. Bull., 36:529-539 (2013)
Possible involvement of phosphorylated heat-shock factor-1 in changes in heat shock protein 72 induction in the failing rat heart following myocardial infarction.
Marunouchi T, Murata M, Takagi N, Tanonaka K.
Biol. Pharm. Bull., 36(8):1332-1340 (2013)
Possible Involvement of HSP90-HSF1 Multichaperone Complex in Impairment of HSP72 Induction in the Failing Heart Following Myocardial Infarction in Rats.
Marunouchi T, Araki M, Murata M, Takagi N, Tanonaka K.
J. Pharmacol. Sci., 123(4):336-346 (2013)
Involvement of oxidative stress associated with glutathione depletion and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in arsenic disulfide-induced differentiation in HL-60 cells.
Hu XM, Yuan B, Tanaka S, Zhou Q, Onda K, Toyoda H, Hirano T.
Leuk. Lymphoma., 55:392-404 (2013)
Arsenic disulfide-triggered apoptosis and erythroid differentiation in myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia cell lines.
Hu XM, Yuan B, Tanaka S, Song MM, Onda K, Tohyama K, Zhou AX, Toyoda H, Hirano T.
Hematology. DOI: 10.1179/1607845413Y.0000000138 (2013)
Dock3 interaction with a glutamate-receptor NR2D subunit protects neurons from excitotoxicity.
Bai N, Hayashi H, Aida T, Namekata K, Harada T, Mishina M, Tanaka K.
Mol. Brain, 6:22. doi: 10.1186/1756-6606-6-22 (2013)
Enhancement of FGF-1 release along with cytosolic proteins from rat astrocytes by hydrogen peroxide.
Ito J, Nagayasu Y, Hoshikawa M, Kato KH, Miura Y, Asai K, Hayashi H, Yokoyama S, Michikawa M.
Brain Res., 1522:12-21 (2013)
生体の科学, 64, 416-417 (2013)
American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 15th Annual Meeting(20130516;Salt Lake City, USA)
Development of pDNA-loaded Bubble liposomes for a potential theranostic approach: nano-sized agents containing cationic lipid for ultrasound imaging and gene delivery
◯Y. Endo-Takahashi, Y. Negishi, D. Suzuki, S. Ukai, N. Takagi, R. Suzuki, K. Maruyama, and Y. Aramaki
The Target Meeting's 2nd World Neuroscience Online Conference(20130618;online)
A protective role of apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins in glutamate-induced neurodegeneration
◯H. Hayashi
第86回 日本生化学会大会(20130911;横浜市)
◯林 秀樹
◯市川 温子,東 瑛子,高木 教夫,大山 邦男,豊田 裕夫
日本動物学会 第84回 岡山大会(20130926;岡山市)
◯林 秀樹
日本薬学会 第134年会(20140327;熊本市)
◯山根 正也, 根岸 洋一, 栗原 奈保, 高橋 葉子, 鈴木 亮, 丸山 一雄, 高木 教夫, 新槇 幸彦
◯大山 邦男,鴨下 知代子,茅場 愛恵,高木 教夫,豊田 裕夫
Murotomi K, Takagi N, Muroyama A, Kaji N, Takeo S, Tanonaka K; Transient focal cerebral ischemia differentially decreases Homer1a and 1b/c contents in the postsynaptic density.
Neuroscie. Lett. 515:92-96 (2012)
Takagi N, Besshoh S, Marunouchi T, Takeo S, Tanonaka K; Effects of metabotropic glutamate mGlu5 receptor antagonist on tyrosine phosphorylation of NMDA receptor subunits and cell death in the hippocampus after brain ischemia in rats.
Neurosci. Lett. 530:91-96 (2012)
Takagi N, Besshoh S, Marunouchi T, Takeo S, Tanonaka K; Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 activation enhances tyrosine phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor and NMDA-induced cell death in hippocampal cultured neurons.
Biol. Pharm. Bull. 35(12):2224-2229 (2012)
Negishi Y, Endo-Takahashi Y, Matsuki Y, Kato Y, Takagi N, Suzuki R, Maruyama K, Aramaki Y; Systemic delivery systems of angiogenic gene by novel bubble liposomes containing cationic lipid and ultrasound exposure.
Mol. Pharm., 9(6):1834-1840 (2012)
Tanonaka K, Motegi K, Arino T, Marunouchi T, Takagi N, Takeo S; Possible pathway of Na+ flux into mitochondria in ischemic heart.
Biol. Pharm. Bull., 35(10):1661-1668 (2012)
Iriyama N, Yuan B, Hatta Y, Horikoshi A, Yoshino Y, Toyoda H, Aizawa S, Takeuchi J; Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor potentiates differentiation induction by all-trans retinoic acid and arsenic trioxide and enhances arsenic uptake in the acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line HT93A.
Oncol. Rep., 28(5):1875-82 (2012)
Iriyama N, Yoshino Y, Yuan B, Horikoshi A, Hirabayashi Y, Hatta Y, Toyoda H, Takeuchi J; Speciation of arsenic trioxide metabolites in peripheral blood and bone marrow from an acute promyelocytic leukemia patient.
J. Hematol. Oncol., 5:1 (2012)
Hayashi H, Eguchi Y, Fukuchi-Nakaishi Y, Takeya M, Nakagata N, Tanaka K, Vance JE, Tanihara H; A potential neuroprotective role of apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins through low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 in normal tension glaucoma.
J. Biol. Chem., 287(30):25395-25406 (2012)
Moriyama Y, Takagi N, Tanonaka K; Intravenous injection of neural progenitr cells improved depression-like behavior after cerebral ischemia.
Translational Psychiatry 1: e29 (2011)
Murotomi K, Takagi N, Takeo S, Tanonaka K; NADPH oxidase-mediated oxidative damage to proteins in the postsynaptic density after transient cerebral ischemia and reperfusion.
Mol. Cell. Neurosci., 46(3):681-688 (2011)
Negishi Y, Matsuo K, Endo-Takahashi Y, Suzuki, Yuuki K, Takagi N, Suzuki R, Maruyama K Aramaki Y; Delivery of an angiogenic gene into ischemic muscle by novel bubble liposomes followed by ultrasound exposure.
Pharm. Res., 28(4):712-719 (2011)
Mochizuki N, Moriyama Y, Takagi N, Takeo S, Tanonaka K; Intravenous injection of neural progenitor cells improves cerebral ischemia-induced learning dysfunction.
Biol. Pharm. Bull., 34 (2) 260-265 (2011)
Hiratsuka K, Momose A, Takagi N, Sasaki H, Yin SA, Fujita M, Ohtomo T, Tanonaka K, Toyoda H, Suzuki H, Kurosawa T, Yamada J; Neuronal expression, cytosolic localization, and developmental regulation of the organic solute carrier partner 1 in the mouse brain.
Histochem. Cell Biol., 135(3):229-238 (2011)
Hikita E, Arai M, Tanaka S, Onda K, Utsumi H, Yuan B, Toyoda H, Hirano T; Effects of inorganic and organic arsenic compounds on growth and apoptosis of human T-lymphoblastoid leukemia cells.
Anticancer Res., 31(12):4169-4178 (2011)
Yoshino Y, Yuan B, Kaise T, Takeichi M, Tanaka S, Hirano T, Kroetz DL, Toyoda H; Contribution of aquaporin 9 and multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 to differential sensitivity to arsenite between primary cultured chorion and amnion cells prepared from human fetal membranes.
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 257(2):198-208 (2011)
Suzuki R, Tanaka M, Takanashi M, Hussain A, Yuan B, Toyoda H, Kuroda M; Anthocyanidins-enriched bilberry extracts inhibit 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation via the insulin pathway.
Nutr. Metab. (Lond). 8;8:14 (2011)
Murotomi K, Takagi N, Mizutani R, Honda T, Ono M, Takeo S, Tanonaka K (2010) mGluR1 antagonist decreased NADPH oxidase activity and superoxide production after transient focal cerebral ischemia.
J. Neurochem., 114 : 1711-1719.
Takagi N, Besshoh S, Morita H, Terao M, Takeo S, Tanonaka K (2010) Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5-mediated serine phosphorylation of NMDA receptor subunit NR1 in hippocampal CA1 region after transient global ischemia in rats.
Eur. J. Pharmacol., 644(1-3):96-100.
Fukumoto K, Takagi N, Yamamoto R, Moriyama Y, Takeo S, Tanonaka K (2010) Prostanoid EP1 receptor antagonist reduces blood-brain barrier leakage after cerebral ischemia.
Eur. J. Pharmacol., 640(1-3):82-86
Oikawa R, Hosoda C, Nasa Y, Daicho T, Tanoue A, Tsujimoto G, Takagi N, Tanonaka K, Takeo S (2010) Decreased Susceptibility to Salt-induced Hypertension in Subtotally Nephrectomized Mice Lacking the Vasopressin V1a Receptor.
Cardiovasc. Res., 87(1):187-194
Kiguchi T, Yoshino Y, Yuan B, Yoshizawa S, Kitahara T, Akahane D, Gotoh M, Kaise T, Toyoda H, Ohyashiki K (2010) Speciation of arsenic trioxide penetrates into cerebrospinal fluid in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia.
Leuk. Res., 34(3):403-405
Vance JE, Hayashi H (2010) Formation and function of apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins in the nervous system.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 1801(8):806-818
Takenaga Y, Takagi N, Murotomi K, Tanonaka K, Takeo S (2009) Inhibition of src activity decreases tyrosine phosphorylation of occludin in brain capillaries and attenuates increase in permeability of the blood-brain barrier after transient focal cerebral ischemia.
J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab., 29(6):1099-1108.
Daicho T, Daisho Y, Kojima S, Takano S, Tejima Y, Marunouchi T, Takagi N, Takeo S, Tanonaka K (2009) Alterations in dystrophin-related glycoproteins in development of right ventricular failure in rats.
J. Pharmacol. Sci., 111(4):405-415.
Yoshino Y, Yuan B, Miyashita SI, Iriyama N, Horikoshi A, Shikino O, Toyoda H, Kaise T (2009) Speciation of arsenic trioxide metabolites in blood cells and plasma of a patient with acute promyelocytic leukemia.
Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 393(2):689-697
Yuan B, Ohyama K, Takeichi M, Toyoda H (2009) Direct contribution of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression to apoptosis induction in primary smooth chorion trophoblast cells of human fetal membrane tissues.
Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 41(5):1062-1069
Hayashi H, Campenot RB, Vance DE, Vance JE (2009) Protection of neurons from apoptosis by apolipoprotein E-containing lipoproteins does not require lipoprotein uptake and involves activation of phospholipase Cγ1 and inhibition of calcineurin.
J. Biol. Chem., 284(43):29605-29613